Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student Springheart Nantuko Scythecat Cub Bristly Bill, Spine Sower Nadu, Winged Wisdom Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury Elite Spellbinder Bloodboil Sorcerer Hearth Elemental Mox Poison Misty Rainforest Scalding Tarn Spara's Headquarters Volcanic Island Tropical Island Tundra Taiga Temple Garden Brushland Restless Spire Forsaken Crossroads Witch Enchanter Wasteland Brainstorm Mental Misstep Disrupt Oust Mystical Tutor Pyroclasm Time Walk Expressive Iteration Fateful Absence Wrenn and Six Force of Negation Oko, Thief of Crowns Inzerva, Master of Insights Comet, Stellar Pup Wrath of Leknif