NAME:Draft of Lands Set Cube INDEV 1 [CMM:185] Serrated Scorpion 1 [2X2:87] Seekers' Squire 1 [J22:502] Bloodhaze Wolverine 1 [J22:408] Durable Coilbug 1 [E01:41] Blood Ogre 1 [J22:559] Irencrag Pyromancer 1 [M20:324] Skeleton Archer 1 [M20:297] Wildfire Elemental 1 [M20:96] Dread Presence 1 [PLST:C19-15] Bone Miser 1 [DMC:46] Tor Wauki the Younger 2 [RNA:63] Blade Juggler 1 [JVC:29] Terrain Generator 1 [AFC:233] Desert 1 [C19:259] Memorial to Folly 1 [CM2:238] Blasted Landscape 6 [UNH:139] Mountain 6 [UNH:138] Swamp 2 [NEO:129] You Are Already Dead 1 [WWK:90] Searing Blaze 1 [M20:151] Mask of Immolation 1 [ELD:146] Thrill of Possibility 1 [C20:160] Starstorm 1 [VOW:126] Pointed Discussion 1 [AKH:115] Wander in Death 1 [MH2:84] Feast of Sanity 2 [AKH:110] Stir the Sands SB: 1 [CMR:414] Fists of Flame SB: 1 [BRO:236] Levitating Statue SB: 1 [KLD:229] Prophetic Prism SB: 1 [J22:502] Bloodhaze Wolverine SB: 1 [BFZ:148] Makindi Sliderunner SB: 2 [M20:134] Destructive Digger SB: 1 [PLST:A25-152] Spikeshot Goblin SB: 1 [KTK:109] Goblinslide SB: 1 [EMA:63] Oona's Grace SB: 1 [AKH:147] Pursue Glory SB: 1 [EMN:171] Splendid Reclamation SB: 1 [M20:196] Thicket Crasher SB: 1 [ZNC:3] Trove Warden SB: 1 [HOU:104] Neheb, the Eternal SB: 1 [E01:79] Woodborn Behemoth SB: 1 [J22:148] Anointer of Valor