Black Lotus Jack-in-the-Mox Mox Pearl Mox Sapphire Mox Ruby Goblin Welder Metalworker Cathodion Metalworker Juggernaut Juggernaut Juggernaut Covetous Dragon Karn, Silver Golem Mountain City of Traitors Ancient Tomb Mishra's Workshop Mishra's Workshop Tolarian Academy Tolarian Academy City of Brass City of Brass Wasteland Wasteland Wasteland Strip Mine Mishra's Factory Mishra's Factory Mana Vault Mana Vault Voltaic Key Cursed Scroll Howling Mine Howling Mine Sphere of Resistance Sphere of Resistance Sphere of Resistance Basalt Monolith Tangle Wire Wheel of Fortune Smokestack Icy Manipulator Mishra's Helix